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NCERT Hornbill Textbook In English For Class 11 Core Course

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Original price was: ₹65.00.Current price is: ₹62.00.

  • Publication:Ncert
  • Author:Ncert
  • Edition: 2022
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • Page:104

Availability: In stock

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NCERT Hornbill Textbook In English For Class 11 Core Course

Description: Embark on a literary odyssey through the enchanting pages of the NCERT Hornbill Textbook in English for Class 11 Core Course. This captivating anthology invites readers to immerse themselves in a diverse collection of prose, poetry, and drama, carefully curated to ignite imagination, foster critical thinking, and instill a love for literature.

Within the pages of this NCERT Hornbill Class 11 textbook, students encounter timeless classics and contemporary masterpieces that span genres, cultures, and themes. From the poignant verses of poets like William Wordsworth and Maya Angelou to the evocative prose of authors such as Arundhati Roy and R.K. Narayan, each selection offers a window into the human experience and the myriad complexities of life.

Through engaging discussions, insightful annotations, and thought-provoking exercises, students are encouraged to delve beneath the surface of the text, unraveling layers of meaning and interpreting the nuances of language and imagery. Whether analyzing themes of identity, social justice, or existentialism, learners develop a deeper appreciation for the power of literature to illuminate the human condition.

Moreover, the NCERT Hornbill Textbook in English for Class 11 Core Course facilitates a multidimensional approach to literary study, exploring connections between literature and history, philosophy, and society. By contextualizing literary works within their historical and cultural milieu, students gain insights into the broader social and political currents that shape literary movements and artistic expression.

As readers journey through the anthology, they are invited to reflect on their own experiences, values, and aspirations, forging personal connections with the texts and engaging in meaningful introspection. Through creative writing prompts, group discussions, and collaborative projects, students are inspired to harness the power of language to express themselves authentically and cultivate their voices as writers and thinkers.

Furthermore, the NCERT Hornbill Textbook in English for Class 11 Core Course fosters a spirit of inquiry, curiosity, and lifelong learning, encouraging students to explore beyond the confines of the classroom and seek out diverse literary voices and perspectives. By nurturing a passion for literature and fostering critical literacy skills, this textbook empowers students to become discerning readers, empathetic global citizens, and active participants in the ongoing conversation of humanity.

Embark on a transformative journey of literary discovery with the NCERT Hornbill Textbook in English for Class 11 Core Course. Whether you’re a student, educator, or lover of literature, let these pages be your guide as you explore the rich tapestry of human experience and imagination. Unlock the doors to literary enlightenment and embark on a lifelong love affair with the written word.

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Weight0.135 kg
Dimensions20 × 1 × 27 cm


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