Gita Press Code 610 Vrat Parichay By Pandit Hanuman Sharma Hindi Edition

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  • Publication: Gitapress Gorakhpur
  • Author: Team Gitapress
  • Book Code: 610
  • Edition: New
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language:Hindi
  • Page: 414 Pages
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Gita Press Code 610 Vrat Parichay By Pandit Hanuman Sharma Hindi Edition

Gita Press Code 610 Vrat Parichay by Pandit Hanuman Sharma is an essential guide for those interested in understanding the significance and practices of various Hindu fasts and rituals. Published by the renowned Gita Press, this book serves as a comprehensive manual for devotees who wish to deepen their spiritual practices and observe religious fasts with correct procedures and rituals.

Content Overview

The book delves into the origins, significance, and methods of observing various vrats (fasts) in the Hindu tradition. Each vrat is explained in detail, covering the mythological background, the proper way to observe the fast, and the benefits it brings to the devotee. Pandit Hanuman Sharma, a respected scholar, meticulously describes each aspect, ensuring that readers gain a thorough understanding of the spiritual and practical dimensions of these practices.

Why Choose Gita Press Code 610 Vrat Parichay?

  1. Authentic Information: Being a publication of Gita Press, this book guarantees authenticity and reliability. Gita Press is known for its dedication to preserving and disseminating traditional Hindu literature.
  2. Comprehensive Guide: The book covers a wide range of vrats, from well-known ones like Ekadashi and Karva Chauth to lesser-known fasts, providing detailed instructions and significance.
  3. Cultural Significance: Understanding and observing vrats can enrich one’s cultural and spiritual life, fostering a deeper connection with Hindu traditions.

Alternative Names

  • Gita Press 610 Vrat Guide
  • Vrat Parichay by Pandit Hanuman Sharma
  • Gita Press Vrat Parichay Hindi Edition
  • Hindu Vrat Guide Gita Press
  • Pandit Hanuman Sharma Vrat Book


Gita Press Code 610 Vrat Parichay by Pandit Hanuman Sharma is more than just a book; it is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand and practice Hindu fasts. Its detailed explanations, cultural insights, and practical guidance make it an indispensable companion for devotees. By incorporating the keywords and alternative names suggested, you can improve the book’s visibility and reach a broader audience interested in spiritual and religious literature.

To explore the spiritual depths of Hindu fasting practices, get your copy of Gita Press Code 610 Vrat today. Enhance your spiritual journey with the wisdom and guidance offered by Pandit Hanuman Sharma through this detailed and insightful publication.

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Weight0.340 kg
Dimensions20 × 1 × 27 cm


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