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Agrawal Examcart SSC MTS Multi Tasking Staff And Hawaldar NonTechnical Practice Sets For 2023 Exams In Hindi

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  • Publication: Agrawal Examcart
  • Author: Sahil Khandelwal
  • ASIN No: 9789355615930
  • Edition: 2023
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: Hindi
  • Page: 365
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Agrawal Examcart SSC MTS Multi Tasking Staff And Hawaldar NonTechnical Practice Sets For 2023 Exams In Hindi

Agrawal Examcart SSC MTS Multi Tasking Staff And Hawaldar NonTechnical Practice Sets For 2023 Exams In Hindi The SSC MTS (Multi-Tasking Staff) and हवलदार (Havaldar) Non-Technical Recruitment Examination for 2023 is a significant examination for candidates looking to secure government jobs in various departments. The exam, released in January 2023, follows a specific pattern and tests candidates on essential skills and knowledge.

Key Features:

  1. Examination Pattern: The examination is divided into two sessions. In Session-1, candidates are assessed in two subjects: अंकगणितीय अभियोग्यता (Quantitative Aptitude) and तार्किक अभियोग्यता (Logical Reasoning). Both subjects carry a maximum of 60 marks each, for a total of 120 marks.
  2. Session-II: In the second session, candidates are tested on their सामान्य जागरूकता (General Awareness) and English Language and Comprehension. General Awareness carries 75 marks, and English Language and Comprehension carry 75 marks, making it a total of 150 marks for this session.
  3. Practice Sets: The book includes 20 मॉक पेपर्स (Mock Papers) to help candidates simulate the exam environment and practice their skills. These mock papers are instrumental in gauging the candidate’s preparation and identifying areas that need improvement.
  4. Solved Papers: The book also offers 06 सॉल्व्ड पेपर्स (Solved Papers) covering the years from 2019 to 2023. These solved papers allow candidates to understand the types of questions asked in previous years and provide an opportunity to practice and refine their problem-solving techniques.

In summary, the SSC MTS एवं हवलदार (CBIN & CBN) Non-Technical Recruitment Examination for 2023 is a significant opportunity for candidates seeking government jobs. This book is a valuable resource that aligns with the exam pattern, offering comprehensive coverage of the subjects, practice sets, and solved papers. It serves as an essential tool for aspirants to enhance their preparation and increase their chances of success in this competitive examination.


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Weight0.5 kg
Dimensions20 × 1 × 27 cm


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